August 10, 2012


 so today's supposed to be another special day for me. well...... i was wishing for something special to happen. tapi yaa gimana kok gua malah ribut sama dia. cuman masalah kecil doang loh

it's only about how much money he'll get disaat dia pindah ke bandung. well, kt punya opini masing2 kan, cuman somehow like he can't accept my opinion gitu. 

and stuffs like this happens a lot. like literally a lot. 

capek? iya sih, cuman gimana? yaa gua udah sayang sm dia, masalah kecil kaya gitu aja gakblh bikin gua down, no matter what. 
gua tau dia orgnya gimana. moody, but amazing. tp gimana ya..... u understand that in some moments u have this "tired of everything" moments, aight? 

ya gua capek aja gitu ya. he's about to move to bandung, leaving me, and all i have in my memory is all the fight we've had these days. it's simply not the kind of memory i wanna have in my mind about him.... 
oh yea u shud know. dia kl bercanda2an suka bls bbm suka pendek2 kan. well... gua gaksuka, cuman i'm not gonna talk about that to him. i don't wanna start an argument 3-( gua juga pengen loh diperhatiin, pengen dia nanya gua sesuatu yg bikin gua senyum lah, yg bikin gua bnr2 special dimata dia. 
cuman kok kayanya kebanyakan gua yg nanyain ke dia "lg apa" dll ataupun gua cerita2 ttg hidup gua misalnya kaya "i was just eating pork dumplings loh" and he responded something like this "oh" or maybe "ok". 
hey u, u shud know that i'm literally tired. exhausted. wishing that u would care more to me, even it's only for a tiny bit, i'll smile. 
well i'm sorry but these days, it's just hard for me to smile when i think of you karena apa yg ada di otak gua ttg lo cuman berantem, lo jwb bbm gue pendek2, lo kurang bs perhatiin gua...yeah and stuffs lah banyak.

capek loh
ya cukup tau aja sih, i got no one to talk to about this so i'm literally putting this in my blog he he 

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